Fixed-rate vs. adjustable-rate mortgages
5 minute read
December 26, 2020


For the buying of a home, the marketplace offers a buyer number of loans. You have to choose the best one that suits your needs and requirements. Fixed-rate mortgages and adjustable-rate mortgages are the two prime types of loans. But to avoid any confusion in choosing which one is best, I am providing you some basic information that helps you better understand the difference between fixed-rate vs. adjustable-rate mortgages.

Fixed-Rate vs. Adjustable-Rate Mortgages

According to a fixed-rate mortgage, there are fixed fee charges. In this type of mortgage, the interest and charges do not change throughout the mortgage loan’s lifetime. In this type, the total payment that we have to pay on the mortgage remains the same and provides ease to the home buyers for setting their budget. If you take a loan, then the principal amount and the interest rate on the respective mortgage that a buyer pays every month changes according to the payment.

Whereas, according to adjustable-rate mortgages, the interest rate that a buyer pays varies. The interest rate does not remain fix. When you take a mortgage for a home, at the very start, the rate is fixed below the market cost, which is somehow comparable with the fixed mortgage rate. But as time increases, the rate also increases. So if you get late in repaying the loan, then the loan’s interest rate will increase and go beyond the fixed mortgage rate.

These types of loans are given on the condition to pay all the interest on time. They have a specific period. The buyer has to initially pay a constant interest rate on the mortgage; afterward, set to a frequency of interest according to the time left.

Pros and cons Fixed-Rate vs. Adjustable-rate Mortgage

The pros and cons of a fixed-rate mortgage are as follows.

Pros of Fixed Rate Mortgages

  • This type of loan is very much easy to understand.
  • You feel safe if you get this type of mortgage because fixed-rate mortgages lower the risk of budget mismanagement later.
  • In a fixed-rate mortgage, you have an idea of how much payment you need and pay.

Cons of Fixed Rate Mortgages

  • When a buyer applies for a mortgage, the buyer’s interest rate is higher than the rate proposed by an adjustable-rate mortgage, due to which a buyer has to pay high payment amounts monthly.
  • Sometimes, if the rate does not change or may fall due to unavoidable circumstances, the buyer must pay more with a fixed-rate mortgage loan.
  • Manage your budget and think whether you can afford the fixed interest rate payments, then go for it.
  • If a buyer takes a loan, then the interest rate on this mortgage remains throughout the loan’s life span, and a buyer can easily keep its monthly payments the same as the initial time.

The pros and cons of adjustable-rate mortgages are as follows.

Pros of adjustable-rate mortgage

  • If you buy a home, you have to pay less interest rate than the fixed-rate mortgage, so automatically, the loans’ monthly payments are also less.
  • By using an adjustable-rate mortgage, you can easily manage your finance and budget.
  • If due to some circumstances, the market rate of the mortgage falls, then your interest rate also decreases.

 Cons of adjustable-rate mortgage

  • It is the most precise and difficult to deal with this type of mortgage.
  • When under some conditions, if the interest rate following this mortgage increases, your monthly payments will also increase.
  • If a buyer takes the loans and the interest rate starts to increase and surpass the fixed limit, it creates a difficult situation for the buyer to pay all the increased payments that the buyer can not afford.
  • The interest rate of this mortgage depends on the change in the economy. So if the economic rate rises, then the interest rate also starts to rise.
  • The interest rate following this type does not change because they set a major benchmark.
  • The lender present in the market has the rate benchmark that they recommend you according to your choice, so they can help you lower the risk.

Fixed vs. Adjustable-Rate mortgages: Which one is suitable?

According to these factors you can choose which one is best for you.

  • If a buyer wants to buy a home and has a minimal budget and cannot afford the higher interest rate, then the fixed-rate mortgage is best for him. He has to pay a high-interest rate with a fixed-rate loan in an adjustable-rate mortgage, and you cannot afford it.
  • If you want to take the mortgage for a short period, then the recommendation is an adjustable-rate mortgage. You feel comfortable if you go with this type because it can easily adjust the time frame.
  • So a buyer takes the loan and sees a sharp increase in the interest rates, then the adjustable-rate mortgage is the best at that time because it can manage the low monthly payments and help you with your principal balance amount.
  • The adjustable-rate mortgage permits the buyer’s interest rate to drop and a buyer does not need to refinance, whereas, in a fixed-rate mortgage, the opposite happens. If the rates rise then, a buyer has to pay the interest rate with the fixed-rate mortgage.
  • Sometimes a buyer has to face risk in dealing with an adjustable-rate mortgage because rates can fall and rise anytime, while in a fixed-rate mortgage, the dealing and understanding is much easier. So keep an eye on the rates to avoid the risk.


Be careful in choosing the type of loan and understand the concept of Fixed-rate vs. adjustable-rate mortgages.  Give priority to your need and choices. Avoid the mistakes that mainly relate to the cost. The best loan choice is tough, but if you choose the right one, you do not need to worry. If you need guidance to fulfill your dream of a home, contact Aceland Mortgage for expert advice on fixed-rate vs. adjustable-rate mortgages.


More on Mortgage Terminology